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Nature's Modular Molecules

These are Molecules that are Easy to String Together, Can Catalyze Any Reaction, and Themselves Be a Source to Make More Molecules.
When I was reading my biochemistry text it struck me as very odd of how little it discussed about exactly how RNA and then DNA are synthesized! There was only ONE paragraph on the subject. All it said was that the synthesis of all biomolecules, in cells, BEGINS with the MODIFICATION OF AMINO ACIDS! That was the complete discussion on the synthesis of (and amino acids role in) the synthesis of non-protein molecules.
Pay attention here is the key concept: if Life Evolved and by our best estimates has blundered onto the most efficient way to synthesize molecules shouldn't we begin from there? Now shouldn't it make you take notice that life not only breaksdown its food to amino acids, begins all its synthesis with the modifications of amino acids, carries out all its important reactions with amino acids(as proteins), and the most abundant organic molecule in space- especially in meteorites- are AMINO ACIDS! There are over 70 different types of AMINO ACIDS made with almost EVERY ELEMENT in the PERIODIC TABLE!
Amino acids when linked together spontaneously form alpha-helixes(Does Not Matter the Exact Sequence) and the interaction between those polymers is very consistent; they attract each other.
Now Dr Blanks wanted to know how many amino acids would survive a comet impact. So she took some water to represent the ice in the comet and added what is always found in things from space -amino acids! She then put the mix of water and amino acids in a capsule and impacted it with the velocity of a comet impact. Guess how many amino acids disintegrated into their elemental atoms? NONE! Instead of Breaking Down the energy of the impact UNITED them into POLYPEPTIDES! Here's the thing that she missed about her experiment: that the experiment also mimics the exact conditions of the oceans containing amino acids being impacted by meteorites during the Heavy Bombardment! Let that sink in! You have a whole world cover in amino acid laden water being impacted for millions of years!
These polypeptides would unite and find other amino acids(remember there are over 70) with the proper nitrogenous bonds and transform those amino acids to RNA precursors and other polypeptides would then take those precursors and make them into RNA! NO SPECIAL NEVER SEEN BEFORE REACTIONS REQUIRED!
E. Coli uses 12 small polypeptides that unite to form one larger protein. With the millions of impacts making polypeptides, I'm saying sufficient polypeptides would have been made to make it easily probable a sufficiently complex protein could have formed to then take the readily available amino acids and transform them into the precursors! The experiments have been done, proteins would have been easily made in the prebiotic environment! It's a mistake to Assume they CAN'T! That ASSUMPTION is what has foiled researchers for the last 60 years!!! That Assumption Needs To Be Let GO!!!


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