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How Life Dies Is the Key to Life's Origin! Part 1.

Did you ever wonder, if someone died from thirst why giving them water won't revive them?

Why giving food to a corpse, that died of starvation, won't revive it either?

Why giving cardiopulmonary resuscitation(CPR), just a few minutes after breathing has stopped, doesn't revive a person?

Have you ever wondered, what would happen, if all three were done at the same time, along with electroshock to start the heart?

I do not know if these have ever been tried before, but I can guarantee you one thing and that is that they would end up with one big hot mess; as well as a very upset family!

Well if I can claim not to know if the previous experiment has ever been done before, then how can I be so sure that it is not going to work? Why is it that only one revitalization technique actually works; but only within a very small window of time? At what point does flesh become mere inanimate matter? What is it that changes in the matter of flesh that makes it inanimate? The answer to all these questions lies at the molecular level of life; not the cellular.

Common sense would tells us that none of these techniques work, because a corps is unable to masticate, swallow, digest, and then circulate any nutrients we would introduce into it. Well what if we introduced via an intravenous(IV) line metabolites directly into a corps' veins along with pulmonary resuscitation, cardio-electroshock, and warmth? I am even more sure, that this one is not going to work, because I just described what happens- thousands of times a day- at the end of many unsuccessful surgeries.

Modern surgical techniques can control the conditions, within the body, from the system level down to the cellular level. Switching on and off particular cell types like the central nervous system to make a patient unconscious, for instance. This is done by either introducing chemicals directly into the bloodstream by IV or indirectly through the lungs by means of gases. What these chemicals, once in the bloodstream, do is reach their target cells and change that cell's state. OK. OK. These surgical techniques do not directly switch on and off the cells, because if they did those cells would die. These techniques can only change the cells state within a very small range of limits. These limits if exceeded in either direction would kill the cells. Once these limits are exceeded modern surgical techniques are useless in reviving them.

So even with the actual molecules needed for life present, life cannot be started at the cellular level. The level of life where a cellular membrane is present is not the point at which life started 4.5 billion years ago. No wonder why origin of life experiments with membranes as a focus have all failed! My theory, Emergent Chemical Evolution, not only explains how life started but gives evidence -presented in peer-reviewed articles- showing that each step in the process is true.


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