It took millions of collisions and this is not Panspermia. Panspermia is the introduction of already living Life forms to Earth from Space. Meteorites colliding with Earth, delivering amino acids, and combining them is the way Life started on Earth!! Let me explain: The reason no one but myself has solved this problem; is that people can't see the forest for the trees! 1. ALL BIOLOGICAL molecules made in CELLS-- BEGIN with AMINO ACIDS!! 2. What does life use to make things happen? Proteins. 3. What are proteins made of? Amino Acids. 4. Why are amino acids good to make proteins? They self-assemble into repeatable structures spontaneously. 5. Where can amino acids be found? Every comet, asteroid, and meteorite. 6. How did the volatile elements(water, carbon dioxide, nitrogen gas) get to earth? The heavy bombardment. 7. What have recent experiments have shown about comet impacts? That instead of breaking them down they unite amino acids into pol...
The Newest Theory of Abiogenesis.